Personalized Care for Lasting Results

Finally get relief from the irritation, redness and painful flushing. Our personalized medical treatments can significantly improve the appearance of rosacea prone skin. Rosacea can make life really difficult dealing with painful facial flushing, sensitive skin that reddens easily from triggers, visible blood vessels and sometimes pus-filled pimples. We understand how embarrassing and frustrating this skin condition can be. That's why our rosacea treatment is tailored specifically to the symptoms and severity of your condition, using both medical grade skincare and clinically proven treatment procedures.

Rosacea Treatment Options


Prescription gels, creams and oral medication to rapidly reduce inflammation causing redness and pustules. Also prevents flushing triggers.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Gentle pulses of light repair broken capillaries and small blood vessels with minimal discomfort or downtime. Reduces baseline redness long-term

Laser Skin Treatments

Advanced lasers resurface the skin, removing damaged areas at precise depths. Reduces bumps, roughness, visible blood vessels.

Exosome Therapy

Uses your body’s own repair cells to heal skin naturally. Reduces inflammation and damage from sun exposure and aging.

Our Vision: To Provide Safe, Lasting Relief From Rosacea

Choosing the right plan of care is crucial because this skin condition can progress and cause permanent damage over time. Getting an accurate diagnosis and early treatment from a specialist are key. 

At Dr. Ahmad Clinic, you’ll receive compassionate care focused on two objectives:

1. Understanding Your Problem - We conduct thorough testing and ask questions on lifestyle to determine your specific rosacea subtype, triggers and current symptoms. Critical for customized and effective treatment.

2. Helping find relief - Based on your specific needs, we create a treatment plan that may include anti-inflammatory skincare products, gentle laser and IPL treatments to repair blood vessels with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Dr. Ahmad, decades of experience diagnosing and treating rosacea prone skin means you are in capable, caring hands. Let's uncover your specific causes, signs and symptoms now to take the guesswork out of getting relief.

What to Expect from Your Rosacea Treatment

Initial Consultation

During your online consultation with Dr. Ahmad, we will discuss your medical history, symptoms, triggers, and concerns. We will conduct a thorough examination and recommend a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs.

Customized Treatment Plan

  • Your treatment plan may include a combination of medications, topical creams, laser or IPL treatments, and exosome therapy. We will explain each treatment option in detail and answer any questions you may have.

Gradual Improvement

You will start to see improvement in your rosacea symptoms within a few weeks of starting treatment. The results will continue to improve over time with consistent treatment and adherence to your skincare routine.

Long-Term Management

  • We will work with you to develop a long-term management plan to prevent flare-ups and maintain your clear, healthy skin.Ready to take control of your rosacea symptoms for good? Book a free 10-minute phone consultation with Dr. Ahmad to discuss the best treatment plan for your particular rosacea condition and needs.
  • Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions


What results can I expect from rosacea treatment?

Most patients see a significant reduction in baseline redness, flushing episodes, visible blood vessels and skin sensitivity/irritation after 1-2 months. IPL and laser options provide longer term remission while oral and topical medications control outbreaks and can be used situationally.

When will I see changes? How long do they last?

Changes occur gradually because treating rosacea is a healing process. Initially redness and pimples subside, then small blood vessels fade. Collagen remodeling after laser resurfacing reduces pore appearance. IPL vessel repair rejuvenates skin over 3-6 weeks with results lasting 1-3 years.

What areas of the face/body can be treated?

Most rosacea occurs on the cheeks, nose and central forehead. We can treat all these areas as well as the neck, scalp, ears and chest if signs appear there. Sensitive skin around the eyes requires special care.

Is there anything I should stop doing that worsens rosacea?

Avoid using abrasive scrubs, alcohol-based toners or harsh cleansers as they further irritate skin. Steer clear of intense heat like saunas, hot tubs and fire places which trigger flushing. Check if foods, beverages or stress flare symptoms.

How can I get the most out of my treatment plan?

Be vigilant using prescribed topical creams, oral medication and post-procedure skincare consistently. Follow our flare-up protocol at first signs. Keep a diary tracking triggers and symptoms. Use mineral SPF protection and gentle products daily. Get 7-8 hours sleep and nutritious, balanced diet. Manage stress levels with self-care.

Start Your Journey to Calm, Healthy Skin

If you’re searching for how to treat rosacea effectively, It is possible to achieve relief through customized medical grade skincare and safe clinical procedures that repair damaged capillaries and skin.