• Treating Moles on All Areas of the Body

    Moles and skin growths can develop anywhere on the body, and we have extensive experience removing moles from all locations, including:


    Moles on the face are common, especially on the cheeks, nose, lips and eyelids. We use precise techniques to minimize scarring on the delicate facial areas.

    The neck is another common place for moles to occur. We can expertly remove neck moles to give you a smooth appearance.


    Moles on the hard-to-see middle and lower back are easily treated with our advanced removal methods.

    Chest and Breasts

    We safely remove moles from the chest, breasts and surrounding décolletage area.

    Arms and Legs

    Moles on the arms, hands, legs and feet can be effectively removed with minimal impact to your movement.

    Scalp and Hairline

    Scalp moles hidden by hair are readily treated with tissue-sparing removal to protect your hair follicles.

    Pubic and Groin

    Embarrassing moles in the bikini line, pubic area, inner thighs and groin are discreetly removed.

    Other Body Areas

    We also remove moles from less common locations like the abdomen, buttocks, armpits, palms, soles and more.

    DR. Ahmad has specialized training to remove moles from even hard-to-treat body areas. We use advanced techniques to protect delicate tissues and minimize scarring. If you have a mole on any part of your body that you want removed, we likely have a safe and effective removal solution.

  • What are Moles?

    Moles are a sort of skin growth. Typically, they manifest as small, dark brown spots and are the result of collections of melanocyte cells. Generally speaking, people have between 10 to 40 moles that show up during early life and can alter in appearance or become less noticeable with age. Moles are not cancerous, however, melanoma which is a kind of skin cancer can sometimes originate from one. If your mole has grown in size, changed shape, or color, it could be a warning sign of cancer so it’s important to go and see a doctor
    What do Moles look like?

    Generally, they vary in size from tiny dots to more than an inch (around 2 ½ cm) across, and they can be symmetrical (having identical halves when divided by a line), round or oval, raised or flat, hairy or smooth, as well as red or various shades of tan, yellow, brown, blue gray, and nearly black.

  • Benefits of Mole Removal

    If you feel self conscious or uncomfortable about a mole on your skin, mole removal might be the solution for you! It comes with many benefits, such as:

    • Boosting your confidence in appearance.
    • The peace of mind of knowing that the mole is harmless and your skin is healthy.
    • No longer getting irritated by unwanted skin growths that rub against clothing.
    • Feeling relieved that the blemish is gone.


Mole Removal Clinic London Treatment Options
Mole Removal Clinic Glasgow Treatment Options

Mole Removal London, Mole Removal Glasgow, Boost Confidence with the right treatment!


It is often a viable option for treating small, flat, non cancerous moles. By using bursts of light radiation, your doctor will be able to destroy the mole tissue. Generally, two or three treatments are needed in order to completely remove it. Lasers make an excellent choice when moles are located in hard to reach places, such as the ears; or especially sensitive and visible areas of the skin, like the face. they can also help to get rid of multiple moles simultaneously. No scar mole removal.


Punch excision of a mole is a minor surgical procedure that uses a special circular punch blade to remove deeper set moles which are less than 8 mm in depth. The surgery can be complete and successful when performed with this tool by penetrating into the subcutaneous layer.


It is used for moles on the trunk or extremities. Getting rid of a mole by shaving it off is similar to an excision. Your doctor will use a scalpel to shave away layers of the mole until it’s gone. Before they start, they’ll give you an anesthetic to ensure you don’t feel any pain. You usually don’t need stitches after this type of mole removal, however, there may be a small pink patch where the mole used to be.


The surgery to remove a mole begins with the injection of local anesthetic into the area. If your mole is deep, or if it has grown too close to other skin areas, then stitches may be necessary to close the wound after it’s removed. Don’t attempt to take care of them yourself though it increases your risk of infection and scarring. Plus, we can remove the mole and check it for cancerous cells. So if you need mole removal done in Glasgow, let us help you out!

What to Expect Before, During and After Mole Removal?

Let’s go over what you can anticipate before, during, and after the removal:

Before Removal:

Prior to any procedure, you’ll have a virtual consultation if you’d like to talk about it from home. Dr.Ahmad will discuss your medical background and your expectations while providing advice on which method would be best for you.

During Removal:

The area to be treated is mapped out and local anesthetic injection is used to numb the area. Using one of the above methods the mole is removed. If stitches are required these are placed and the wound is dressed.

After Mole Removal:

Depending upon the wound depth and size of excision the wound can take 1 to 2 weeks to heal. If stitches are present these are usually removed after 7 days.

Visit Dr. Ahmad for safe and effective Tag removal Glasgow. Contact us today to

  • Time to Take Action!

    Do you struggle with unsightly Mole? Don't let them affect your confidence any longer - seek the help of Dr. Ahmad today. With his extensive expertise and experience, you can trust that you're in good hands. During your consultation, Dr. Ahmad will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and aspirations. You'll have the chance to voice your concerns and explore all reasonable options and outcomes before any treatment begins.Don't let self consciousness hold you back any longer start your journey to confidence today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does mole removal leave a scar?

Whether mole removal results in a scar depends on the technique used. With surgical excision, there will be some scarring, but a skilled surgeon can minimize this by using meticulous techniques and layered closure. Laser removal typically does not leave any scarring. Other methods like shave removal or cryosurgery may leave a small scar. Proper aftercare can help reduce scarring as well. For the least possible scarring speak to your doctor about laser mole removal, which is virtually scar free.

Is mole removal painful?

Most mole removal techniques don't cause much pain. The area will be numbed with local anesthesia beforehand so you don't feel pain during the procedure. Afterward there may be some mild discomfort, swelling or redness which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication if needed. More complex removals may require additional anesthesia.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery time varies based on the mole removal method. Simple shave removals recover within 7-10 days typically. Excision removals take 2-3 weeks for the skin to fully close and 6 weeks for the scar to mature. Laser removal causes superficial wounds that heal within a week or two. Full recovery can range from 1 week to 2 months.

When can I resume normal activities?

Light activity can be resumed quite soon after mole removal, but strenuous exercise should wait 1-2 weeks. Most people can return to work/school within a few days if the mole was in a covered area. Activities like swimming should be avoided until the wound is fully closed - usually 7-14 days. Driving can be resumed once you can sit comfortably and are off pain medications.

Will it come back after removal?

When removed properly, moles should not grow back in the same spot. In very rare cases, a small portion of the mole cells may remain and cause a new mole to form. This is unusual with excision and laser techniques. Your doctor will monitor the healing and follow up with you if any new growths develop.

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